Hello Sweeties♥I’m so excited to share this with you (again~ I’m always excited xD) This is an ultimate guide for those who watched the famous Japanese movie called ‘Your Name’ and what so special about this adventure and journey was the whole Kimi No Na Wa (‘Your Name’) – Anime was made based on the Real Life Locations. Yes, it’s real and not just a movie only. Those famous spot in the movie actually exist in Japan.
I have visited most of the place and this is just sooooooooo amazing! Although it’s winter in Japan and the whole locations might not be exactly 100% similar with the one you watched but this is definitely beyond your imagination. Let me give you a guide and bring you around to those famous landmarks and I also did some comparison photo for you guys!
I’m a fan of this movie because I love the way they film the anime and it totally reflect the real Japan in the movie and in the same way, the film actually divided its time between a rural Gifu Prefecture and cosmopolitan Tokyo.
Japanese Government’s Official Your Name. Travel Tour For Foreign Fans Announced
So this time I will be spending most our time at Gifu from Hida, Furukawa > Takayama > Shirakawa > Gero > Nagoya and lastly, Tokyo. Travel within Gifu isn’t hard at all because it’s all connected by buses and trains (mainly JR, or Japan Railway). I will more prefer to take JR rail lines because those are the quickest and most convenient way to travel between Gifu City, Gero, and Takayama. Then from Gifu to Tokyo, I will still use the Shinkansen bullet train too.
Again, this photo took me (more or less) 1 hour to complete lol. I know I’m not really good on doing all those map thingy but just hope you can easily understand from the photo above. So it’s a 5D4N in Japan and another 2 nights in the flight lol. Why?? Because : – Midnight flight from Malaysia to Japan & late night flight from Japan to Malaysia.
Oh yea, back to the topic, as some of you asked me because how to go to Shirakawa-go because the JR lines do not pass through those area. Actually you can easily accessed there by highway bus from Takayama or you can rent a private car to go there. Take note that highway buses also run from Gifu City to Shirakawa-go and from Gifu City to Nakatsugawa, but if you choose to use a rental car in the winter, it is important to look up ahead of time the weather forecasts and snow conditions (in northern Gifu especially) and to make sure that you are adequately prepared. So it’s best to take public transport if you are not confident on your driving skill lol.
Let’s Go On A Trip Of “your Name”
We spent our day1 and day2 morning in Hida-Furukawa town and day 2 afternoon were moved to Takayama town. Most of the real-movie locations can be visit by walking distance around the town except the bus stop which was quite far about 15 mins drive from the Hida-Furukawa Station. So are you ready for this?!! Let’s get started!!!
The first thing we did after the super duper long flight journey was exploring this beautiful + vintage Hida-Furukawa town. This town become so famous after the anime movie 君の名は (‘Your Name’) aka Kimi no Na wa. I love the idea of using this anime movie to promote such beautiful place and make it so well-known in such a short time.
Here’s the exact location that appear in the movie and this is the scene when Taki asked the taxi driver about Mitsuha’s hometown. Although it’s winter this time but it still look pretty much the same except the thick and pure white snow all around the road.
Your Name (novel)
This is the second photo point! HAHAHAHA Look funny and cute at the same time lol. This was used when Taki and his friends were traveling to Itomori, Mitsuha’s hometown too & when Miki Okudera and Tsukasa Fujii was so excited seeing this Hidakuro in the station. It was a mascot inside Your name movie but it turned out to be a cardboard in reality. HAHAHAAH That’s why I said it’s cute & funny :p So here’s another spot for you to take a photo with the standee.
The photo above was one of my favourite photo that I set as both of my cover photo and desktop photo on my lap top. I look so Japanese! AHAHAHAH I tried my best to pose exactly same like the movie but unfortunately don’t be silly and walk to near with the train. It’s really dangerous and please be aware of this. We are quite lucky because the train stopped for some time and I successfully took 2 photo at here. It’s soooooo pretty!!!! Am I right?!
I’m really surprise this place look exactly in the movie and look at the view omg!! Here’s one of the best spot to take the photo and it’s near by our first night stay. Everyone of us were waiting the train to stop and take multiple photo of this moment. I burst all the photo on my phone and camera. Felt super lucky because I took this photo!! Joy with tears~
Berkunjung Ke 6 Tempat Wisata Ala Kimi No Nawa Di Jepang
So around this beautiful old town, there are lots of landmark and famous spot that appear in the movie+ there are lots of hint for the visitors like us. I spot one at the walking bridge near the station and it also shows some of the to-visit places and photo spot in this little town too.
We were so lucky again because during the time we visit to Hida, there is an exhibition happening in the town. It’s the exhibition of Your Name movie!! Awwwww~ So we just grab all our gadgets and ran to the exhibition (using google map as our guide).
We were so happy because it only available in such limited time and we still able to meet the date. Yay!! From 7/1 ~ 19/2 only.
Your Name,” The Most Popular Anime Of All Time, Comes To America
No camera allowed after this place so I’m not going to break the rule but inside the exhibition it showcase all the draft / drawing and how was the story of this movie. It’s pretty interesting and although I can’t understand single word of it but I’m still so happy. Too bad the exhibition ended last month if not you guys can visit the exhibition here.
After 1-2 hours of walking around the town , we decided to head over to the Library and the rest will be visit on the next day because we were quite hungry at that time lol.
The building itself and inside of the library was used when Taki went to Hida City Library to look for more information about the incident, and traced down if Mitsuha was on the victims list after he learnt from the ramen shop owner that Itomori town was destroyed by comet 3 years back. This is the scene where the big twist happened in the movie. So so so nervous at this point!
Best Your Name Merchandise For Kimi No Na Wa Fans
We checked online there are few scene located inside this library at no.26 row in the library and at the end of the corner of the study table. I wish to take a photo of the study table but unfortunately there are people using the table and there is a big poster and notice in front of the library stated that we shouldn’t disturb anyone here because it’s a library. Photo was allowed until a limited period of time only and you need to register at the counter before entering the library.
So we just walk slowly, didn’t talk and we spot some Your Name materials on display for all of the fans coming through! Omg you can draw something on the notebook and it’s tooo cute!!
After a long day walking around the old town we decided to spend the rest of our day finding the right place to eat our dinner. You know food is really important to me and the first thing that came in my mind was S-U-S-H-I !!!! So we just walk around and see whether any sushi shop located nearby our stay. Then we found this …..
The Impact Of Anime On Japanese Tourism Industry
I’m so hungry and we ordered two diff set. The normal and premium sushi. Cost 1000 yen & another was 1600 yen only. Quite reasonable and the owner of this shop is really lovely. He know that we are from Malaysia after talking with us and he gave my friend & I , each a special Japanese traditional cup that has his sushi shop name on it.
After our dinner we continue walk around this old street and took some photo of this place before the sky turn really dark. Let me show you around!
After the walking tour around the town we decided to go back and take a rest because need to wake up quite early on the next morning.
Your Name (君の名は) Kimi No Na Wa.
My first stay was so comfy I guess because i’m too tired and we stayed in Hida Tomoe Hotel which was 5 minutes walk from Hida-Furukawa Station. Super near and