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The anime film “Your name” presents its events out of order and to make things even more complicated, the two main characters spend the majority of the movie at different times. Mitsuha exists in a small cityof Itomori three years in the past and Taki lives in Tokyo three years ahead. Well actually they're thesame age but they switch bodies three years of apart from one another.The film begins with our two main characters Mitsuha and Taki reciting a cryptic yet touching message.“Once in a while when I wake up, I find myself crying. The dream I must have had I can never recall butthe sensation that I've lost something lingers for a long time after I wake up. I'm always searching forsomething, for someone, this feeling has possessed me I think from that day when the stars came falling.It was almost as if a scene from a dream, nothing more nothing less, than a beautiful view”.This is said while the comet flies over Itomori but actually this event takes place near the middle of thefilm. The film actually began 1, 200 years ago when a comet first appeared and struck the earth. Creatingthe lake that Itomori would be built upon. This comet would come again, spelling disaster when itstrikes.Fast-forward to the movie’s timeline and Mitsuha’s mother dies. This would lead to her fatherabandoning his family and his duties to the Shinto shrine that they have been entrusted with. Instead, hegoes into politics and became the mayor of Itomori. Needless to say, this strains his relationship with hisfamily most importantly with Mitsuha. Abandoned by their father and left without a mother, Mitsuhaand her sister would then be raised by their grandma and be taught the traditions of the shrine, including how to make Kuchikamisake or mouth chewed sake. Which is made by chewing rice and thenspitting it out to let it ferment into sake or alcohol.When Mitsuha grows up, she and her sister performed the ceremony to create her Kuchikamisake. Thiswould play an integral part in connecting Taki and Mitsuha later on and is perhaps the key that ends upsaving the town of Itomori. Some of the Townies watch Mitsuha’s ritual and make little snide remarksabout the weird old traditions. Flustered and sick of living in this backwater town, Mitsuha declares she
Kimi Ni Todoke
Wants nothing more than to move away from the big city. She wants to live in Tokyo and in some cosmicsense she gets exactly what she wantsThis is where the first body switch between Taki and Mitsuha takes place. In the film, this is shownearlier but it actually happens later. You see, Taki and Mitsuha are not only two different people living intwo different places, with Taki living in Tokyo and Mitsuha living in Itomori, but also different times.Writer, director, cinematographer, editor, storyboard artist, animator, art director, actor, producer, photographer, manga artist… next someone is going to tell me he is a sculptor, musician, singer and a quantum physics’ engineer.
Do you know what’s even more interesting about this production? That his involvement in Kimi no Na Wa has his name in 7 key departments: original author, screenplay writer, storyboard artist, cinematographer, director, film editor and photographer.
Do you know what is the most interesting thing about this production? He didn’t even have to fill in the role as producer which means that people were claiming for this film to be made; meaning that Makoto Shinkai was responsible for nurturing his imagination, creativity and artistry with a 100% support from financial backers, without having to worry about developing contacts, scheduling and pressure for a deadline (at least, this last one, the responsibility wasn’t on his shoulders).
Sekai No Yakusoku Translation
Even if the responsibility of the “boring stuff” of a production didn’t fall into his lane, he had a major responsibility to fill: If the movie failed in any way, no one else but him would be at fault.
Fortunately, life, his passed down discipline and his determination gave Makoto Shinkai enough artistic quality to have his visions supported in all fronts. Even if his title of “The New Miyazaki” gets under his skin (adding that it is an overestimation), for the public, it is not a farfetched assumption.
Kimi no Na Wa is a celebration of premises we have seen before: time travel, body swap, romantic comedy and wishing upon a shooting star, however there are a few aspects that the narrative of the story has that is difficult to find in other productions.
Nandemonaiya (movie Version)
If we go to the original source, we will find out that the novel is written in a first person narrative from the point of view of two characters. The structure of the story often jumps from character to character without warning and the only indication
The simple thought of putting Japanese pronouns at the center of everything, changes even my perspective in first person narratives. It makes me wonder why no one thought of it before. The author intended to use all of his language tools to make both characters interchange thoughts in the same paragraph and even in the same descriptions.
Do you know how difficult it is to write in third person without revealing the character’s name every two paragraphs? Even Tarantino had to blur out B***z’s name.
Kimi No Kamisama Ni Naritai Romaji 君の神様になりたい。
Seeing everything through two established characters since the beginning gives us an idea that we are going to see a lot overlapping descriptions and dialogues throughout the novel.
The most interesting thing is that even with all of the descriptions of places and feelings of the characters, the novel has that “je ne sais quoi” that makes me think of screenplays. Granted, all of light novels have a simplicity in their descriptions and it is not that this novel lacks paragraphs of exposition, in fact, there is a lot of it conveyed through so little words, like a script would.
That’s where I found out that Makoto Shinkai was working on the script through 2014 and the novel was released one month before the movie hit the cinemas across Japan. Maybe I was into something. Re-arraging a movie script to fit a novel is not unheard of especially when it comes from big productions, so maybe that is why this novel feels like one.
Kimi Ga Ireba
Just a little disclaimer, I am not saying it’s a bad novel for it, by any means, it’s just that the novel focuses on giving more visual descriptions that are quick to read and long chunks of dialogue instead of focusing on developing parts that are difficult to translate into visuals (like using extensive vocabulary to adorn the tone of the story, descriptions of places or trying to find a way to describe the texture of the air).
To me, it is not a stretch to think that the script looks almost the same as the novel and for that reason, studying the novel and watching the film is an experience you have to go through in terms of adaptation. Makoto Shinkai knew what he wanted to show, how he wanted to show it and why in every single media. Translation was never a problem.
At that point (while writing the script), I didn’t necessarily feel like understanding the complex structure and timeline was necessary for the audience. If anything, I wanted to shift the focus to the relationship between the two main characters, our protagonist and romantic interest. In doing so, I think that understanding the complexities of the timeline wasn’t most important in achieving the comedy and unpredictability I was going for.
Japanese > English] Japanese Script Version Of Your Name (kimi No Na Wa)
And yet, everything he did, tied perfectly into the timeline and the structure of the film. Whether it was intentional or not is unclear. He mentioned in the same interview that he received some help while structuring the story, however the instances in which the symbolism appears, resemble a pattern more than an unconscious accident.
For example: the first person narration doesn’t indicate the need for exposition, it expands the symbolism of convergence. The structure of the story is designed to serve the symbolism of convergence, the opening song and visuals add to the symbolism of convergence. The body swap, the romance and the encounters all serve to the idea of mixing the timelines.
Shinkai plays with the idea of destiny and connections in ways that feel mystical. The explanation of a capricious god may seem
Your Name. Blu Ray Collectors’ Edition (first Press Exclusive Edition [ Exclusive]) (review, Blu Ray, Japan)