Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) didn't take long to beat anime movie records. It also didn't take long to get a porn parody.
Following its release last year, Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) became the highest-grossing anime film of all time, nudging Spirited Away from the spot. Now, to no one's surprise, the movie has another, quite different spinoff on the way: a porn parody.
. The story will revolve around a girl destined to become a shrine maiden whose body must be purified by the ritual of bondage, because of course. There is also mention of the merging of mind and body, though probably not quite in the same way as the source material.
Movie Review]: “kimi No Na Wa” The Harmony Of Makoto Shinkai Uniquenesses.
While the anime movie tells the tale of two people bound by fate, the porn version tells the tale of people bound by… ropes.
. The live-action video is being produced by adult movie company KM Produce whose last foray into full-length movies was an adaptation of the much darker Rape manga.
According to the specs listed on Amazon, the 130 minute long DVD is not region-locked, so anyone worldwide will be able to experience the movie, if they so desire.
Movie Kimi No Na Wa Your Name Miyamizu Mitsuha Bracelet Chain Jewelry Cosplay
Will be released on June 23, 2017, and you can already preorder it on Amazon Japan for a discounted ¥3, 036. You can also get a limited edition deal which includes the DVD and a set of panties. There are only 150 of these sets available, so hurry, I guess?
The Fate series has come a long way over the last decade in anime, creating an expansive universe that can bewilder newcomers. So, in this analysis, we’ll take a comprehensive look into all the anime related to it and trace the threads of Fate.
Some series take time to get into. Not these ones. Whether there's some sort of disturbing violence or a profound life-changing event, these debut episodes make it easy to dive right in.
The Symbolism In The Movie Your Name
Japan has a long history of interesting weapons. Not surprisingly, many of these weapons and styles have shown up in a number of anime over the years. Let's take a tour of some of those weapons and appearances.
Our writers select the best anime in 3 different categories – visuals, music, writing – as we take a look back at the year in anime.I think most of you out there would have heard of this film due to it’s MASSIVE reception from the anime and non-anime community. ‘Kimi No Na Wa.’ wrecked (quote Lance-senpai) many animes and films taking the number 1 spot in multiple rankings. Kimo No Na Wa is a film based on the light novel of the same name by Makoto Shinkai who, due to this masterpiece, has been heralded as a candidate to succeed Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli).
Kimi No Na Wa’s story revolves around the known concept of the red string of fate that is frequently brought up in many animes we know, but only ever so briefly and in passing. The story of how Mitsuha Miyamizu and Taki Tachibana are connected is told in such a way that would leave you confused, glad, sad, happy, laughing, crying and at times even frustrated.
New Japan Anime Your Name Mitsuha & Taki Bracelet Chai Cosplay Kimi No Na Wa Accessory Rope Bracelet
The emotional roller-coaster isn’t there without reason as you gradually understand what is happening as the film progresses, you find out just how fate works between these two startlingly different individuals.
The film was also praised for its scenic recreations of Tokyo and Nagano (a prefecture close to Makoto-sensei’s heart), the latter of which the fictional town of Itomori was based off in the film. Have I told you how beautiful the animation is?
To be honest, this is the first time I’m watching a film by Makoto Shinkai, which subsequently prompts me to go and find out about his previous films, so stay tuned as I review them in the future.
Your Name Bracelet
Writer’s note: My job here is to make you watch the movie – that is the first step – no matter how good or bad the movie is (I probably won’t review the bad ones unless I really have to). In the end, the decision of whether or not the movie is good should fall solely on your shoulders and no one else.
Japan has a long history of interesting weapons. Not surprisingly, many of these weapons and styles have shown up in a number of anime over the years. Let's take a tour of some of those weapons and appearances.
Our writers select the best anime in 3 different categories – visuals, music, writing – as we take a look back at the year in anime.I think most of you out there would have heard of this film due to it’s MASSIVE reception from the anime and non-anime community. ‘Kimi No Na Wa.’ wrecked (quote Lance-senpai) many animes and films taking the number 1 spot in multiple rankings. Kimo No Na Wa is a film based on the light novel of the same name by Makoto Shinkai who, due to this masterpiece, has been heralded as a candidate to succeed Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli).
Kimi No Na Wa’s story revolves around the known concept of the red string of fate that is frequently brought up in many animes we know, but only ever so briefly and in passing. The story of how Mitsuha Miyamizu and Taki Tachibana are connected is told in such a way that would leave you confused, glad, sad, happy, laughing, crying and at times even frustrated.
New Japan Anime Your Name Mitsuha & Taki Bracelet Chai Cosplay Kimi No Na Wa Accessory Rope Bracelet
The emotional roller-coaster isn’t there without reason as you gradually understand what is happening as the film progresses, you find out just how fate works between these two startlingly different individuals.
The film was also praised for its scenic recreations of Tokyo and Nagano (a prefecture close to Makoto-sensei’s heart), the latter of which the fictional town of Itomori was based off in the film. Have I told you how beautiful the animation is?
To be honest, this is the first time I’m watching a film by Makoto Shinkai, which subsequently prompts me to go and find out about his previous films, so stay tuned as I review them in the future.
Your Name Bracelet
Writer’s note: My job here is to make you watch the movie – that is the first step – no matter how good or bad the movie is (I probably won’t review the bad ones unless I really have to). In the end, the decision of whether or not the movie is good should fall solely on your shoulders and no one else.