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Ihr Name. Kimi no na wa 1-3 Comic-Komplettset / japanisches Manga-Buch Japan – ursprünglichen Titel anzeigen Ursprünglicher Text Your name. Kimi no na wa 1-3 Comic complete set / Japanese Manga Book Japan
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Kimi No Na Wa. Releases Luxury Art Book!
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Your Name Manga & Books Buying Guide (kimi No Na Wa)
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The manga arrived safely in good condition. Seller took care to inform me about the language of the manga and shipping. Will buy again sometime. Thank you!Your Name (Japanese: 君の名は。 , Hepburn: Kimi no Na wa. ) is a Japanese light novel writt by Makoto Shinkai. It is a novelization of the animated film of the same name, which was directed by Shinkai. It was published in Japan by Kadokawa on June 18, 2016, a month prior to the film premiere.
Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl living in the fictional town of Itomori in Gifu Prefecture’s mountainous Hida region is fed up with her life in the countryside and wishes to be a handsome Tokyo boy in her next life. Later, Taki Tachibana, a high school boy living in Tokyo, wakes up and realizes that he is Mitsuha, who herself has somehow ded up in Taki’s body.
Mitsuha And Taki Figurines With The Kimi No Na Wa Art Book
Taki and Mitsuha realize they have switched bodies. They start communicating with each other by leaving notes on paper or leaving memos in each other’s phones. As time passes, they become used to the body swap and start interving in each other’s lives. Mitsuha helps Taki develop a relationship with his female coworker, Miki Okudera, and evtually to go on a date with her, while Taki helps Mitsuha in becoming more popular in her school. Mitsuha tells Taki about a comet that is expected to pass close to Earth in a few days time, and how she is excited to see it, as it will arrive on the same day as her town’s festival.
One day, Taki suddly wakes up back in his body. After an unsuccessful first date with Okudera, he tries contacting Mitsuha but fails. He later finds that they have stopped switching bodies and evtually decides to visit Mitsuha in her hometown. Without knowing the name of her village, he travels around the Hida region, relying solely on the sketches of the village’s scery he has drawn from memory. Finally, a restaurant server recognizes the town in Taki’s sketch as Itomori. He is th told that a fragmt of the comet Tiamat fell to earth three years ago and obliterated Itomori and its surroundings, killing a third of the town’s population. As Taki looks through the records of fatalities from the incidt, he finds Mitsuha’s name.
Attempting to reconnect with Mitsuha, Taki goes to Mitsuha’s family shrine. Realizing that his and Mitsuha’s timelines were actually separated by a few years the whole time, Taki drinks kuchikamizake that Mitsuha made and left behind as an offering, hoping to reconnect to her body before the comet strikes. Succeeding, he wakes up in her body on the morning of the festival, and realizes that he still has time to save the town. Convincing her frids about the comet, he gets their help in trying to evacuate the village. While they continue with their plans, Taki realizes that Mitsuha might be in his body at the shrine and heads back to the mountain to meet with her.
Your Name., Vol. 1 (your Name. (manga), Band 1)
Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body at the shrine and wanders to the summit of the mountain. Taki arrives at the summit as well; although they feel each other’s presce, they are unable to see each other, due to the separation in their timelines. As the sun sets, and both Taki and Mitsuha realize it is twilight, they are transported back into their own bodies and are finally able to see each other. Taki tells Mitsuha to convince her estranged father, the mayor of Itomori, to evacuate the town. They decide to write each other’s names on their hands as they return to their respective timelines, but Mitsuha suddly disappears before she can start writing her name. As time begins to pass, their memories of each other start to fade and disappear; both of them forget each other’s names, as well as the evts that happed betwe them. On the verge of giving up, Mitsuha realizes that Taki wrote I love you on her hand instead of his name. Mitsuha confronts her father again with a new spirit of determination, and soon after, the brok fragmt of Comet Tiamat crashes to Earth, destroying Itomori.
Eight years later, it is revealed that Mitsuha persuaded her father to conduct an emergcy evacuation drill across the surrounding districts, allowing most of Itomori’s residts to escape in time and survive. Taki has graduated from university and is trying to find a job, but still has lingering feelings that he is missing something important to him. He finds himself attracted to items relating to Itomori, such as magazines and people he thinks are familiar (whom he actually knew wh he was in Mitsuha’s body). While riding separate trains, Taki and Mitsuha are stunned to see each other wh their trains suddly run parallel to one another. They get out at their next stops and try to find each other; they finally meet at a staircase and, feeling as though they know each other somehow, ask for each other’s name.
After the wide release of the film adaptation in August 2016, the novel reached the top place in Oricon’s weekly bunkobon sales charts for three consecutive weeks.
Your Name(kimi No Na Wa): Original Soundtrack By Radwimps Piano Solo(b
Shortly afterwards, a follow up light novel was released on August 1, 2016, under the title Your Name. Another Side:Earthbound. The novel is set during the evts of Your Name through the perspective of Mitsuha’s frids and family. The light novel was writt by Makoto Shinkai and Arata Kanoh, with illustrations by Masayoshi Tanaka and Hiyori Asakawa. In 2017, both light novels were published in glish by Y Press.
A manga version of the novel has also be writt by Makoto Shinkai and illustrated by Ranmaru Kotone. The manga was licsed by Y Press for an glish release, with the first volume released on June 20, 2017.
Another Side:Earthbound also received a manga adaption, writt by Arata Kanou and illustrated by Junya Nakamura, through the Cycomics app in July 2017.